Night lenses work while you sleep - and during the day you see perfectly!

Orthokeratology lenses are a type of rigid lens

They gained popularity because of their ability not only to correct myopia, but also to inhibit the growth of myopia in children.



without lens

in the moment of

putting on



corneal shape

during sleep

after removal


What you need to know about orthokeratology lenses:

Imperceptible to a sleeping person

Lense don't disturb night dream, during sleep changes surface of cornea precisely, that is safe for eyes.

Put on

10-15 minutes

before bedtime

Night lenses - "breathable"

During sleep, the eyes receive the oxygen they need.

In the morning, the lenses are removed, and the effect of their night work is preserved for the whole next day, until late in the evening! This means a person is free from contact lenses and glasses for the whole day, that is, it becomes more convenient for him to perform those actions that were inconvenient before.

There are orthokeratology lenses to correct nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism!

Who fits Orthokeratology Lenses?

You need to know that orthokeratology lenses are special lenses that cannot be purchased simply by prescription. The selection of lenses is done by a doctor. In our clinic, keratorefractive therapy is already being carried out.

The effect of OKL is cumulative – vision will gradually improve and after 7-10 days it can reach its maximum. Regular use of OKL prevents the cornea from returning to its original state, which makes its artificially created shape permanent for the period of lens use.

If you stop wearing lenses a few days after stopping the use of night lenses, vision will return to its original state.

The service life of ortho lenses with proper handling (they are treated in a special solution after each dressing) is 1 year. You need to know that orthokeratology lenses are special lenses that cannot be purchased simply by prescription. They are fitted in the office, like all hard lenses.

Ortho-k lenses cope with myopia up to 6 D, with acceptable astigmatism up to 1-2 D