Ophthalmic Services

The main value and pride of the clinic is our doctors. All of them are highly qualified specialists with extensive practical experience in the diagnosis and treatment of
various eye diseases.
Modern equipment and doctors of the highest category will help determine the exact diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment.
2 500 som.
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Advanced technology will help you get rid of glasses and lenses in a safe and painless way.
from 18 000 som
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Effective and safe cataract removal using modern technologies
from 44 000 som.
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Non-invasive laser procedures for various retinal pathologies, closed-angle glaucoma and secondary cataract
from 4 200 soms
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The solution of the most complex eye pathologies at the modern level.
from 130 000 som.
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Freedom from glasses and control of nearsightedness in children with Orthokeratology Lenses (OKL) are special hard contact lenses that work while your child sleeps.
from 28 000 som.
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